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Psychiatry and Therapy Services

Services: Services

I currently provide in-network services with:
Regence Blue Cross/Blue Shield
Moda Health
as well as out-of-network services.
I also provide 'additional services' for those seeking longer sessions, in order to achieve treatment goals faster.
Out-of-network services: many patients are surprised to learn they have these benefits with their insurance companies. If this is the case for you, I will offer a 'superbill' at your request: this allows you to receive reimbursement from your insurance company.
Payment is due at the time of service.
Please call to inquire about specific pricing. A sliding scale can be offered on a case-by-case basis.
Block Therapy Option:
Intensive Short-Term Dynamic Psychotherapy (ISTDP) is a very unique form of psychotherapy. Combined with the Psychosomatic (mind-body connection) expertise, you are receiving truly unique, specialized care.
Much can be achieved in a standard 45-50min session together. However, even more can be done in longer sessions. For instance, accommodation can be made for a 3-4 hour session; this is particularly helpful for those traveling or with unorthodox schedules. Imagine how much comprehensive care can be achieved in that length of time. This is the power of the ISTDP approach: the longer we can spend together per session, the better we can truly get to the core of your struggles and make lasting transformational change without the interruption of the clock.
I am licensed to prescribe medication; however, the practice is not designed as a medication management-only approach. While individual cases vary and may require medications as an adjunct to treatment, psychotherapy is the principal treatment option patients seek coming into the practice.
Important Considerations:
An enormously beneficial aspect of Intensive Short-Term Dynamic Psychotherapy is the capacity to monitor bodily responses to the active discussion taking place between patient and provider. In order to maximize my ability to help you, I request that a video-recording of all our sessions is performed. This allows three important improvements to your care:
1) Review of an unbiased document. The video is completely confidential (under the same HIPPA compliance rules as psychotherapy notes) and captures the session in it's entirety. This gives us an enormous advantage to picking up not only where we left off, but picking up on nuances missed during the session when I review them.
2) Direct feedback from another ISTDP supervisor. This would be another expert in the field, reviewing an unbiased document of our sessions from which to offer guidance. This aides me in delivering your care over and beyond what could be done with traditional supervision (i.e. only from memory). This is deliberate practice, an excellent means of improving my care towards you.
3) This is at no additional cost to you, and patients at times find it helpful to have either a video copy of certain sessions or audio copies to listen to for their own review. This can be enormously beneficial for patients, to consolidate insights and gains made in session.
The therapy approach, Intensive Short-Term Dynamic Psychotherapy, will not be suitable for certain patients. If you suffer from primary psychotic illness, severe alcohol or substance abuse/dependence (i.e. 'addiction') or dementia, this treatment is not designed for those issues.
I see patients aged 18-64. I am a non-judgmental clinician with regards to LGBTQ and non-binary identifying individuals.
This is NOT an emergency service and I do not provide emergency consultation for psychiatric symptom acuity. If you are in acute distress (suicidal, homicidal, gravely disabled) please call 911, seek care at an Emergency Department and/or other Psychiatric Emergency Services.
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